About Me

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Just a girl about London town, observing life and ranting about it.

Friday 25 June 2010


Beware of Flappers! They are everywhere, the platforms, roads, pavements, parks even! They came in all shapes and forms, nationalities and age. Be not fooled, they will get to you, sooner or later your way will be blocked by someone walking too slow in front of you. These are the Flappers, who have no understanding of people traffic and cannot drive themselves in a straight line on the pavement, have no understanding of orderly queues, and stop in the most annoying places to take photos: right in front of you.

Under construction

Yes, I had enough and I need to shout about it all!!! Commuting, Tourists, Tories, cat puke, why I need an iPad, Ryanair, gig prices, airports, bendy buses!!!!