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Just a girl about London town, observing life and ranting about it.

Friday 10 September 2010

Tory's economic growth: a slow wart?

I am at loss with the Tory's spending review. Cut cut cut, you are cut, shush, 'you're cut too shusher!' I don't know about you, but for me, it seems like very bad maths. They want to cut jobs. Unemployed people don't spend, don't shop, which in turn reduces VAT collection, reduces income tax, rises welfare claims and ultimately messes up the very same thing that Beavis and Butthead at Number 10 are allegedly trying to save: our economy. I just cannot believe that with all the money that the aristocratic Tories spent on their own education at Cambridge, Eton, Oxford, they are substandard at maths! That is a disgrace to those Institutions' names!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Britain's Next Top Model: fat chance

I am still reeling from Julien Macdonald's comment on Britain's Next Top Model
that 'Charlotte is fat'. She cannot possibly be more than a size 8UK, and yet Julien, with his greasy hair and smarmy face, thinks she is fat. What a horrible c*nt. In an age where we have ten year olds dieting to look like models, anorexic children, and half of TV programs about supersized teenagers, it is hard to believe that a 'respected designer' such as Julien would come up with such an outdated, unfashionable and utterly rubbish comment. Don't get me wrong, I am all up for freedom of speech, but I just think that if you're going to vomit crap like that, then you should just shut up. Even more surprisingly is that none of the other judges stood up for Charlotte, they just looked on like extras from 'Sean of the Dead'. I would have expected Elle to say something, but she is all looks and very little matter. She might be a successful model and business woman, but she is no TV show host. In saying that, although the British girls are more fun and interesting than the American ones, Tyra really makes ANTM more value for money. Nonetheless, I think that Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous, takes amazing photos and, for a change in the fashion industry, a really nice person. I sincerely hope she wins. Good luck Charlotte!

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Brazilian Keratin Treatment (BKT) review

I waited a few weeks to write this review to see if the BKT was any good. Before the treatment, my hair was in an awful state, it was dry and frizzy and even the straightner couldn't cope with it. My hair looked dead and cooked. I was reluctant to spend 200 quid on something that promises such a miracle result in one single application, but when my hair started to stand up on its own, I had it! and decided to try BKT. I saw an article on www.guardian.co.uk that formulas are not regulated or standard, and every saloon have their own formula; cheaper formulas might contain high levels of formaldehyde, which is carcinogenic, i. e. can cause cancer. The article said that respected saloons used formaldehyde free formulas, so after some research, I choose to have it done at Rush. The hair is washed with a special shampoo then the formula is applied and let to absorb for 45 minutes. It is then sealed in with an extra hot iron, each strand being ironed eight times and it produces a lot of steam; I was reassured that all that smoke doesn't damage the hair. I then had a haircut and style. You can't wash your hair for three days, no moisture, no rain, no clipping or ponytails. Apart from greasy hair for the three days and a super tight shower cap that gave me a headache, it went quite smooth and no one laughed at me; I actually went out and people said my hair looked nice! Even as greasy as it was! On the forth day you go back to the saloon for a wash and more straightening, then you are free to go. It has been seven weeks now and my hair still looks straight, shiny, frizz free, healthy and new. Brand new actually, mirror shine like those Pantene adverts. The best of all is that no styling is necessary, you just wash with the keratin shampoo, brush and go. Quite economic on the styling products department. I got lots of compliments every day, people asked if I had just come from the hairdressers, even weeks after the BKT. And I started being asked for ID to buy 'some stuff' (oh the joys!). All this during the moist humid summer months, when the norm was static, dry, frizzy, mad hair. I am very impressed by the BKT, and no doubt that it is a miracle treatment. When the 12-14 weeks that the treatment is supposed to last are over, I will definitely go back for more, as the more you do it, the better the condition of your hair. The verdict? BKT rocks!